‘When you go out into the woods, and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree.’  -  Ram Dass


You are supposed to be unique. A different tree in the woods. Yet perhaps you haven’t found a way to appreciate the uniqueness of you. Maybe you’re even punishing yourself for the gap you perceive between who you are and where you want to be.

If you’re like most women I know, you have ridiculously high expectations of yourself, pushing forward to ‘just get everything done’ while in the process putting yourself last. I often asked my female clients to write a list of all the people they support and most of the time they never remember to include their own name on the list.

If you’re feeling exhausted, tired, drained and depressed, it might be time for a new approach.

There is no single right behaviour, set of behaviours or recipe to success that work in this lifetime to ensure untold happiness. What works for one person might be a dead-end street for you.

What will make a difference is determining whether your behaviours and habits are hindering or assisting you as you journey towards your goals.